NANO Protect (ZF 110)

ZF110 is a nanotechnology-based electrolyte used to protect silver and other low-grade precious metal surfaces against tarnishing.
Special nano polymers adsorb on the surface and cross-link to form a protective layer of a few nano metres which is invisible due to its low layer thickness.
Treated surfaces will be protected from tarnish effects for a prolonged period.
Parts with complex geometric shapes are also easily covered.

Packing: 100 ml and 1000 ml, 10X Conc.


  • Anti-tarnish process for silver and other low-grade precious metal surfaces
  • Free of heavy metals such as chromium
  • Hypoallergenic, skin and biological compatibility
  • Repellent of water and foreign particles
  • Reduce the impact of fingerprints on the surface
  • Suitable for rack and barrel
  • Silver and other low-grade precious metal surfaces